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X or Size - All Avail LP

X or Size - All Avail LP

Regular price $32.00
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Formerly known as part of ambient drone duo The Geese with Recital’s Sean McCann, and member of psychedelic mutators Regal Degal; Josiah Wolfson has, in recent years, come into his own as X Or Size, whilst retaining the trippy sense of play and experiment that coloured and defined earlier works. His 3rd outing as X Or Size continues a tradition of punning titles and subtly psyched-out, edge-of-the-‘floor dance music with six bits of submersed trippiness idealised for bobbing bodies with eyelids at halfmast, on a slow arc to other dimensions.

Blessed with the finest grasp of heady equilibrium, X Or Size pull strings like a gently psychoactive puppeteer on the 10 minute opener of dreamlike physics, and aching psych-soul downstroke of ‘Anonymous AD'. ’B O M H’ follows with thee gauziest breeze of filtered vox and harmonised textures rolled out in sun-dazed motion that makes us hanker for warmer times, and ‘Ceremonism’ sustains that flow with sloshing beatdown drums paced like an offcut of NWAQ’s ‘The Dead Bears’ marinaded with special ingredients by Madteo.

With minds/bodies well massaged and acclimated to his vibe, ‘oSSo’ screws off into even trippier zones with a nervy offbeat swing and parry spangled by wettest spring reverb, before bringing up for air in the 11 minute title piece of astral planing bliss, ready to roll another one or go head first into the pillow.

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